Our ancestors fought hundreds of years with their heart and blood to obtain fundamental freedoms and liberty for all. We are indeed very grateful for their efforts and definitely appreciate living in a better jointly-constructed understanding of the world, although what most of us don’t notice or choose to ignore is that the efforts of our ancestors are decaying in-vain as we allow the few to oppress the many over and over again.
Our freedoms used to be taken away at a comfortable pace and as we adapt to the subtle changes the “new normal” overrides the freedoms in our social constructs with control and oppressive alternatives.
A frog will not escape a pot of boiling water if the heat is gradually provided to produce the boil. Be aware of gradual change or suffer the consequences.
The COVID-19 Pandemic is using fear again to deny people their constitutional rights and freedoms all over the world at a very fast pace which for most of us is not a comfortable pace and many find it very hard to adapt to the newly imposed restrictions on basic freedoms. I believe one of the reasons you see revolts all over the world protesting the imposed restrictions is due to basic freedoms being taken away too quickly.
The International Center for Not-For-Profit Law is providing our society with legal and unbiased data over how the people we’ve put in charge to take care of us are abusing their power and harming billions of people in the process.
Years from now when most people will realize the abuses of our times. The select few currently in charge will play dumb to our accusations claiming it was not intentional, that they thought they’re helping us or that they just didn’t know better. Well, you all know it is their job to know better and I hope we as a community won’t let these mistakes go unpunished — too many have suffered immeasurable consequences by the hands of the chosen few. The few must be held responsible for their actions or they’ll never care enough to think twice before putting abuse into law.
Feeling pain confirms that you’re alive, but only feeling other’s pain confirms that you’re a human being. ~Leo Tolstoy
I don’t know exactly what is there to do in order to restore our freedoms and stop the few from oppressing the many at such a fast paste and with such a force; one of the things I’m sure of: willingly giving up our rights in exchange for fear and complying with the non-sense mandated by the inhumane decisions of “experts”, is definitely not the answer.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ~Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Paine taught us ~300 years ago that the greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest of causes.
You’re a human being, and I hope you’ve read and learnt your irrevocable rights and freedoms granted to you by the immense desire of liberty our Founding Fathers fought so ardently to obtain for all.
If you didn’t yet, you can start as it’s never too late to understand thoroughly what it means to live in a civilized society, and understand how easily are we being abused by the few. Please, protect yourself, your loved ones and all of us from abuse and tyranny by acknowledging your freedoms and liberties.
I’ve taken the liberty to provide links to the legal constitutions of some democratic regimes:
Constitution of the United States
The European Constitution
Constitution of the Russian Federation
I wrote this brief on the 1st of April 2021: almost ironically knowing today to be the only day where people critically evaluate things they find on the internet before accepting them as true.